
Sunday, October 7, 2007

An Update... Finally

So, I recognize that it's been over 7 months since I've contributed to the world of blogging, but here I am, letting you all know that I'm still alive and kicking.

Since March, so much has happened that I can't be bothered to write about anything in very much detail, so glance over the bulleted list below and just e-mail me or call me if you actually want details. (Disclaimer: These are not in any specified order, because I also can't be bothered to put them in chronological order or rank them by importance).

  • I did two new paintings that I love and I'm currently working on 6 more. If you read Jessica's blog, I think she posted pics of the 2 that are already done.

  • I went to Europe with my family for two weeks. I decided that one day I must live in France, and that Italy is going to be revisited some time in the near future (meaning in the next few years of my life--I'm too poor to go anywhere right now).

  • I found out that one of my dear, dear mission companions passed away while I was gone on vacation. She would have been 63 or 64, I think.

  • I got two raises at work. Wahoo! (That still doesn't change the being poor issue, though).

  • I went on my first business trip to Phoenix. It was supposed to last two days and ended up being a week long. I will never live in Arizona unless I become suddenly allergic to everything except the sun and dirt.

  • My siblings and I established 'Ticket to Ride Night,' and we now play every Sunday.

  • I went on a road trip to Boise for the funeral of a good friend. The funeral was beautiful.

  • The drive to Boise was horrible, though. What boring terrain. I thought only the midwest was supposed to be that flat and uninteresting.

  • I finally got my Bachelor's Degree in French with a minor in English. Useless? It's debatable.

  • I decided that I should probably go to grad school. That won't be for a while, though.

  • Went to see Hairspray in the movie theater. Three times. I'm addicted to the soundtrack, and I hope people on the road enjoy watching me sing to my steering wheel on my way to and from work.

  • I tried tofu for the first time ever and absolutely loved it.

  • I still can't do sushi.

  • Heather pointed out to me how often I say the word "awesome," so now every time I say it I smile to myself and the people around me think I'm nutso.

  • I discovered how much I love Baroque music like Watermusic, Xerxes, and Vivaldi's Four Seasons. I don't like the harpsichord that much, though, so that limits the options for listening.

  • I realized that life really is fragile, and I need to be better at keeping in touch with the people I love. So here's the first in a series of attempts.


hknight said...

Wahoo, you finally updated! That's AWESOME! You know I love that you say that! Looking forward to more recent updates in the future :) Love you Sarah, have a fabulous day!

Unknown said...

Wow! Welcome back to the world ob Blogging! Now those in the 'younger generation' will tease you about "awesome" like you guys teased me about "cool". Love you Sarah, do your friends know about your blog?

Jess said...

Welcome back to our ranks. I have picked up the word "awesome" from you and now my coworkers occasionally make fun of me for it. :)

Josh said...

That blog was aweso...

Wow, I find new family blogs every day!

I had no idea how talented you were. Those paintings looked great! It amazes me much talent is in this family. It's funny to see how many people in this family have taken to photography.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the update. Your witch costumes are great!

Scrappy said...

My friends have teased me about "awesome" for years, but how can you not say it when so many things are so AWESOME!!