
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

After the Fall Colors in Provo Canyon

Dad, Ames and I went up Provo Canyon last night after work to capture the fall colors. Dad said they were really nice on Saturday.
Unfortunately, it looks like the rain took out most of the leaves, so there were a lot of bare branches and less-than-awe-inspiring colors.
Regardless, we did take a few fun pictures.

My white balance was on Auto (oops) for most of these, so they're a little on the blue side. Oh, well. I think the subject matter is fall-ish enough, even if they're not the typical fire-colored leaves.

This last picture doesn't really show it very well, but this was a HUGE field full of these cattails. Dad and Amy got closer pictures, but to get there they had to cross a river on three narrow felled trees. I was in as-yet-un-weatherproofed suede stilettos, so I wasn't about to venture across the river. Maybe Ames will post some of the pictures she took.

I hope you enjoyed (or still get to enjoy) the fall leaves in your area! If not, click here to enjoy them vicariously via Flickr.

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